Why should You Get a First Aid Training?

Accidents are defined as unfortunate events that you surely don't ask for. They happen at any place and at any time. You can't even predict what kind of freak accident will occur at a given time. Precautions must be taken at all times, so to speak. How about when something is really bound to happen? Can you at least stop it? The answer is no. However, you can be a lot of help if you have gotten some first aid training. Yes, you have read it right. A basic knowledge in first aid can change things outright.

Accidents in the Workplace

Wherever you are, it is right to assume that you are not safe. After all, is there really a safe place on Earth? You must not doubt it. Nothing is perfect in this world because if it is, then there would be no accidents in the very first place! People normally get the slightest up to the deepest cuts, they fall down, they trip and hit the pavement, and they break their bones. Anything can happen to an individual's body. It is also typical for people to meet accidents while they are in their workplaces. The mishaps of course depend on the nature of the job. Normally, there are more serious injuries met by people who handle heavy occupations.

Overall, these injuries frequently happen while the employees are in the workplace. That goes to show that it is very vital that some people inside the premises should be trained in giving first aid.

The Benefits of the Training

What good will it do when some of the staffs are trained to apply first aid? Of course there are tons of benefits that make up the list. Included are the ones stated below.

First and foremost, those who have gotten the training can attend to the employees at once as soon as the injury has been acquired. This includes that of bandaging the wound to keep it sanitary and safe.

Second, breaks or sprains can be shortly tended to prior to the emergency medical team's arrival.

Third, in cases when CPR is required, the trained person can perform it and therefore save the victim.

Fourth, in the instances when the hospital is still too far, the basic first aid can already be administered by someone.

The main reason on why it is necessary to have the training is to increase the number of lives getting saved instead of being wasted.

Ways on How to Acquire the Training

If you are thinking about getting trained in first aid, then what you have to do is to find the programs that are being offered in your own community. In fact, there are plenty of employers nowadays who have realized the importance of putting someone under this kind of training. You can be lucky enough to be chosen. If your employer doesn't provide this need, then you may look for schools or medical offices that provide the training. In this case there will be a fee required but then again you just have to think of the benefits that it will give you.

Become an Asset to Your Company

If you have been certified to be capable of administrating first aid, then you simply increase your value to your company. You can include this expertise into your resume and for sure your future employer will consider this as a plus point. By and large, first aid training can also be turned into a career.

Why do Babysitters need First Aid Training?

These days when all parents have to work, babysitters are often hired to look after their children. Mothers also have to help their husbands provide for the family so that leaves them without a choice. They have to leave even their infant children under the care of their nannies. There are cases when some part-time babysitters are hired so that mothers can go out to attend to errands. So now the question is how qualified should a babysitter be? What necessary trainings must the person undergo? How would you trust someone to take care of your little ones? Are there some prerequisites that you have to ask for? Needless to say, most parents require that their babysitters are certified to have undergone first aid training.

Screening the Potential Babysitter

In most cases, babysitters are subject to interrogation or brief interview. Parents like you must be very particular with the person's qualifications and trainings. First thing that you have to ask is the available time that the individual has so that you will know if she is the right one who can help you out. Also, there are some pertinent issues which you have to settle with her. How about when your baby chokes or if she stops breathing? Will she be able to perform CPR? What if your child gets an injury? Can she administer a first aid treatment? There are a lot of things that you have to ask her and ensure that she is capable of handling your precious little one in case of an emergency.

Signing Up for the Course

As it goes, there are several offers for the training courses on first aid. The organizations that provide the trainings make it a point to encourage those who work as babysitters to sign up and get educated. Institutions and other related groups such as the Red Cross organization send out flyers to let the public know of the steps on how they can avail of the course.

As a matter of fact, there are plenty of teenagers out there who want to earn their own money by means of babysitting. It is advisable for them to take up the courses so that they can become more qualified in handling little children. Apart from the training on the application of first aid, they can also learn more as they take up courses on how they can efficiently play and get along with little kids, how they will politely answer the phone calls and get the message when you are out of the house, how to feed the baby, bathe them, and change their diapers. They will likewise know more about how they may handle emergency situations.

Certification upon Course Completion

Soon after the person has completed the course, a completion card will be issued as a proof that she is qualified enough to perform CPR and is knowledgeable on the vital things to do during an emergency situation. Thus, you have to keep in mind to ask for the vital certificates that will prove the person's qualifications. After all, you will never entrust your children to a person who knows nothing about an effective handling of untoward events.

The first aid training is a course that is essential to each and everyone. Babysitters should all the more be persuaded to take this up so that they will know the proper handling of children with or without an emergency.

What You Need to Know about First Aid Training in CPR

First aid training is a necessity. Why? It is for the fact that people always get subjected to freak accidents. They do happen in the most unexpected time and place. Being trained in administering first aid is indeed beneficial because there is a great chance for you to save lives at any given time. There are special techniques that you get to know and only a certified person has the authority to apply. So, why should you have second thoughts? You can be of great help in the direst circumstances especially when the emergency medical team has not arrived yet and when there is no nearby hospital.

Getting to Know CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or that which is otherwise known as CPR is a combination of all pertinent lifesaving strategies which are all geared towards resuming the regular functions of the body. CPR is typically administered when a person's heart has stopped beating. By constantly performing CPR, the heart restarts its beating procedure and the breathing pattern once again normalizes.

It is a must for each and everyone to know CPR and how it must be done. Every hospital in the community has the responsibility of making available this kind of training. The Red Cross as well as the community health centers should also open this training to everyone. In fact, there is no excuse in trying not to learn the proper way of doing it.

What Comprises CPR

Again, CPR is made up of the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and if needed, that of the chest compression. By nature, the individual who administers the CPR is going to breathe for the victim as he manually pumps the latter's heart to resume its normal functioning. Apart from performing this, it is likewise necessary to call for the emergency medical team at once so that the right treatment can be facilitated.
The Training being Mandatory

Training in CPR is definitely a mandatory task especially for those who handle varying jobs. Those who work in the schools, offices, nursing homes, and the rest of the industries that run heavy duty occupations are obligated to be trained. Even an ordinary individual has to be knowledgeable on the basic CPR applications. By acquiring the training, you become a priceless individual who is confident and prepared at all times especially when there is an emergency.

Likewise, those who take care of children must certainly get the first aid CPR training courses. By this, you get to save your children's lives or those of whom you take care of.

The Training itself

The first aid CPR training course is typically completed in a day. The licensed instructors are the ones who will guide you in every step of the way. Dummies are employed for you to practice on. After the completion of the course, you are awarded with a CPR certification card that proves that you have successfully passed the standards and that you are already qualified to perform it during emergency cases. There are times when you have undertaken the course several years back then so it is also important that you update your skills. In this time and age there is no doubt that the modern and newer ways of administering CPR have evolved. Thus, it pays to continually get updated with the most recent top of the line medical information.

First aid training is as essential as learning your ABC. Therefore, don't exclude this as a part of your knowledge.

The Importance of First Aid Training among the Childcare School Staff

Parents totally entrust their children to the childcare schools. They rely on the teachers as their second parents in the institute for learning. They know for a fact that their educators will want no harm to come their way. While they are busy working, they fully believe that their little kids are well cared for. On the other hand, the teachers have the responsibility to keep an eye on their students. They should make sure that they are comfortable and secured within the four walls of their school. This then calls for their ability to handle even the most stressful situations. So much more, the school staff has to be equipped with the first aid training.

Why The Training is a Must

By nature, kids are hard to contain in one place. They are most of the times messy and playful. This therefore lets them end up getting wounds and injuries that vary from the petty up to the serious ones. There are cases when some of them find it difficult to breathe especially if they have medically related illnesses. When the school staff doesn't have any background or so in administering first aid, then the institution often ends up being sued by the fuming parents.

If there is any person or better yet a couple of people who are certified to perform CPR and the rest of the first aid techniques, instances like attacks of asthma, diabetes, seizures, and choking can be handled effectively. CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation is known to be one of the lifesaving techniques. Someone who knows how to correctly administer it can work on reviving the victim while the medical team service has not arrived yet. Thus, instead of risking the lives of the children, the knowledge in first aid can save them.

The Nature of the First Aid Training Courses

The very goal of the first aid course is not confined to educating the learners of the necessary skills that will promote the saving of lives. It is likewise focused on emphasizing the preventive measures that can lessen the occurrence of accidents. Those who are encouraged to take up the course include the childcare providers such as babysitters and teachers. They are the people with whom the little kids are going to spend most of their time with so they better get learned on how to properly handle them.

The training course basically includes the teaching of the simplest instructions, the body of theories, and those hands-on interactions which will give the feeling of a real-life scenario. The courses are therefore provided by qualified and licensed trainers who will guide you in every step.

Why You have to Consider Signing Up for the Course

Take note that you are a childcare provider. Apart from your educational background, you need an updated training on how you will confidently and safely survive the most terrible situations involving mishaps among children. There are different kinds of emergency situations that may confront you. Little children may trip, fall, break their bones, get injured, be attacked by their medical illness, or worst, have difficulty in breathing. If you are trained on how to apply first aid and most importantly that of the CPR, you can become the person of the hour and save the day. Hence, you can save lives and be free from the curse of the annoyed parents.

Therefore, why not put the first aid training course on top of your concerns list?

The ABC's of First Aid

The professional rescuers typically practice the so-called universal precautions as they apply the right medical care to the victims. The universal precautions are termed as such because they are meant to lessen the possible risks that the rescuers may get exposed to as they tend to the victims. This means that the use of the personal protective equipment is essential. Some of those that must be used include an eye protection and gloves. If you are a person who is qualified to administer help because of your first aid training, then be sure to pack your personal protective equipment inside your kit.

Safety as a Major Concern

Staying safe may be really hard. After all, you never know when you will be safe and when you can be in danger. However, for someone like you who is trained in giving first aid, you have this instinct of rushing forward whenever a person is in dire need for your help. Meanwhile, it doesn't mean that you will ignore your own need for safety. You should always keep your senses alert and your wits intact. Safety is the concept that points to a person's awareness of the condition in his surroundings as well as the healthy fear for the occurrence of any unstable situation.

Applying what You Know

So there you go with your license that proves you are indeed qualified to perform any first aid remedies. What should you do when the circumstance finally comes? Keep these insights in mind and be prepared to do the right thing.

Get to know if the victim is awake. One of the principal indications that the victim has fallen into a very difficult situation is when you find it hard to keep him awake. If the person whom you are trying to revive shows no signs of responding to your techniques, then you have to call the emergency service team at once. It is always best to keep a record of the emergency hotline.

Apply the ABC's. Take note that A refers to Airway, B is for Breathing, and C is for circulation.

The victim's airway highly depends on his being conscious or unconscious. If the person is wide awake, then let him speak. This will determine if his airway is clogged. To feel for the condition of an unconscious victim's airway, place your ear near his mouth and listen for his breathing. Feel for some air that touches your cheek. You can also take a look at his chest for any rising and falling of the abdomen.

In case when the victim doesn't show signs of breathing, perform CPR immediately. Some of the possible causes of the person's unconsciousness can be related to seizures, diabetes, poisoning, drug intoxication, alcohol intoxication, infection, illness, dehydration, or overdose.

As soon as the victim shows signs of breathing, it is now time to determine is there is sufficient circulation. You can feel for his temperature or look at his skin's color. If there is circulation but no response from the person, start with the CPR once again. If there is some bleeding, perform the steps to control it and then be ready for the coming of the ambulance.

These situations are only to be handled by those who have gone through certified first aid training. So why should you put off this beneficial knowledge when in fact you can save hundreds of lives?

Snake Bites – Why First Aid Training can Help

The first aid training course covers the procedures on how snake bite can be addressed. In truth, there are a lot of individuals who are simply born to stay outdoors. Many of them believe that they are destined to conquer several lands. That is why they enjoy the adventures offered by the outdoors. Clear enough, this venture is indeed very exciting. Nothing can compare to the fun and thrill that camping, hiking, and trekking offer. However, there is some degree of danger that comes around. Wild animals are present in the mountainous and grassy areas. Much more, there are poisonous snakes that can attack you. Hence, it is very important that you exercise an utmost precaution when you traverse the tracks.

Identifying Snakes and their Danger

Why is it necessary that you know how to identify the types of snakes? Someone like you who have been trained in performing first aid should be alert at all times. This includes the need to specify the venomous snakes out there because this will guide you in saving the lives of those in your company.

As a matter of fact, not all snakes are noxious. But then again there are a few of them which are and they are the ones that you have to recognize. Without the immediate first aid applied, a person may suffer permanently from the bite or worse, can even die. Take note that the effect of the snake's venom on the body is classified into three different types. They are termed as Neurotoxic venom which brings an effect to the nervous system, Hemotoxic or that which damages the tissue and blood cells, and the Cytotoxic which attacks the cells and kills them. Now the type of snake that has bitten a person must be readily identified so that the proper medical action can be undertaken. This then prevents death among the victims.

Snakes that have Poison and the Symptoms of the Bite

The rattlesnake, copperhead, coral snake, and the cottonmouth water moccasin are all poisonous. You will recognize a poisonous bite when the victim exhibits fang marks onto the skin with a bloody discharge on the wound, there is a severe degree of pain and a burning sensation, convulsion, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, blurred vision, fainting, fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, nausea, tingling and numbness, intense thirst, loss of muscle coordination, and a racing pulse.

Administering First Aid Treatment

When someone has been bitten by a poisonous snake, here are the important tips for you.
Immediately dial the hotline to ask for professional medical help.

While awaiting the arrival of the medical team, wash the snake bite using soap and water.

Immobilize the bitten part and place it lower than the heart.

Cover the spot using a clean and cool compress or one moist dressing to lessen the discomfort and swelling.

Continuously monitor his vital signs.

If medical help doesn't arrive in 30 minutes, you should put on a bandage that has to be wrapped about two up to four inches above the snake bite. This will slow down the flow of the venom. The band should be a bit loose so you may slip one finger underneath.

Your first aid kit should include a suction device that will aid in drawing out the venom without the need to make cuts.

It is vital for you to take up the first aid training course that also touches on treating snake bites. Be very careful as you climb rocks and camp on the grassy areas too.

Pet First Aid Training

First aid treatment should never be used as a substitute to veterinary care. However, pet owners with good first aid training can definitely save pet's life while waiting for professional help. Here are some of the usual pet emergencies with their first aid procedures:

Small cuts can heal completely in a few days with simple rinsing of water are regular application of antibiotic ointment. More severe and deeper cuts may require stitching - his should be done by a veterinarian. When applying first aid to any cuts, make sure that the animal is muzzled. Flush the affected area with enough water to remove any dirt and debris. If the cut is draining, moist and has inflammation around the edges after 3 days, call for veterinary help.

External Bleeding
The aim is to stop the bleeding. Use thick gauze pad or clean clothes and press it gently against the wound. Keep the pressure on for a couple of minutes until the blood starts clotting. Severe bleeding on the limp requires the use of gauze or an elastic band – use it as a tourniquet between the wound and the body while keeping pressure over the wound. Release the tourniquet every 15 to 20 minutes for 20 seconds.

Internal Bleeding
Internal bleeding has several symptoms such as blood in urine, coughing up blood, bleeding from mouth, nose, rectum, collapse, pale gums and quick and rapid pulse. Call for veterinary help immediately while keeping the animal calm and quiet.

Too much pawing of the mouth, difficulty breathing, blue-tinged tongue or lips, and choking sound when coughing and breathing are the things you should look for if you suspect that your pet is choking. When approaching the animal, use extreme caution as it will likely bite out of panic. Open the mouth and look for the any foreign object. Using pliers or tweezers, remove the object without trying to push it down to the throat. If the object is too deep, seek for a veterinary help. If the animal is not responding, place your both hands to each side of the rib cage and apply quick and firm pressure three to four times. You do this to force the air out of the chest and push the object from behind. Repeat this procedure until the object is removed or until you reach the veterinary clinic.

Outmost care is important when attending to animals with a fracture or a broken bone. Animals tend to be more aggressive and bite as a self-defense. If safe and not stressful to animal, try to assess the traumatized area and look for any irregularity on the limb that is not present on the other side. Immobilize the fractured area as soon a possible. If necessary, use a muzzle. If there is bleeding, apply mild pressure on the area to stop blood flow. Transport the dog to the nearest veterinary clinic. During transport, keep the fractured area immobilized.

Flush the affected area with cool running water. Get a mixture of ice and water held within a soft towel and apply it to the burnt area. Call for help.

Simple pet first aid kit includes:

Adhesive tape
Wrapping and bandage materials for wrapping wounds
Antibiotic ointment and antiseptic wipes
Towels or cloth
Blanket or board to act as a stretcher
Saline eye flush
Latex gloves
Emergency numbers written on a piece of paper